Gender discrimination early in life (missing girls)

Culture, economic stress and missing girls (Working Paper with Viktor Malein and Tamar Matiashvili)

Pre-natal care, son preference and the sex ratio at birth, Demography 62, 1 (2025): 211–236 (with Rebeca Echavarri)

Life and death under son preference: Economic stress, fertility and early-life mortality in rural Spain, 1800-1910, Rural History (with Francisco J. Marco-Gracia and Víctor A. Luque de Haro)

Missing girls in Liberal Italy, 1861-1921, The Economic History Review 77, 1 (2024): 185–211 (with Gabriele Cappelli)

Economic development, female wages and missing female births in Spain, 1900-1930, Cliometrica (2023) (with Rebeca Echavarri)

‘Missing girls’ in historical Europe: Reopening the debate, The History of the Family 27, 4 (2022): 619–657 (with Mikolaj Szoltysek)

Infant and child sex ratios in late Imperial Russia, The History of the Family 27, 4 (2022): 736–763 (with Viktor Malein)

Family patriarchy and child sex ratios in historical Europe, The History of the Family 27, 4 (2022): 702–735 (with Mikolaj Szoltysek, Bartosz Ogórek and Siegfried Gruber)

Assessing gender discrimination during infancy and childhood using twins: The case of rural Spain, 1750-1950, The History of the Family 27, 4 (2022): 658–678 (with Francisco J. Marco-Gracia)

Sex ratios and gender discrimination in Modern Greece, Population Studies 76, 2 (2022): 329–346 (with Michail Raftakis).

Inferring “missing girls” from child sex ratios in historical census data, Historical Methods: Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 55, 2 (2022): 98–121 (with Mikolaj Szoltysek, Bartosz Ogórek and Siegfried Gruber)

Death, sex and fertility: Female infanticide in rural Spain, 1750-1950, European Review of Economic History 26, 2 (2022): 234–254 (with Francisco Marco-Gracia).

Son preference, gender discrimination and missing girls in rural Spain, 1750-1950, Population and Development Review 47, 3 (2021): 665–687 (with Francisco Marco-Gracia).

Sex ratios and missing girls in late-19th-century Europe (Working Paper).

What explains the missing girls in 19th-century Spain?, Economic History Review 73, 1 (2020): 59–77 (with Domingo Gallego-Martínez).

Where are the missing girls? Gender discrimination in 19th century Spain, Explorations in Economic History 66 (2017): 117–126. (with Domingo Gallego-Martínez).