Here you can find some of the historical data sets we have been gathering during the last few years.
Number of male and female children (aged 0–9), Europe 1841-1911
23,260 observations: 21 countries, 1,080 regional units, 10 age-groups
Extracted from the corresponding population censuses. Coverage varies depending on country and year.
Beltrán Tapia, F. J. (2019), Sex ratios and missing girls in late-19th-century Europe, European Historical Economics Society Working Paper 160.
1860 Spanish Population Census
District-level information (464 observations; partido judicial) on:
Literacy and education: schoolteachers (male and female), school enrollment (boys and girls) and literacy rates (ability to read and write) for men and women. Data
Occupations: number of individuals working on different occupational groups (i.e. landowners, landless labourers, tenants, factory workers, miners, artisans, liberal occupations, clergy, army, etc.). Data
Age structure, marital status and migrants: number of males and females classified by age-group (i.e. 0–1, 1–5, 6–10, etc.), number of singles, married and widows (by sex) and number of migrants (transeuntes). Data
Settlement pattern: number of households and municipalities plus the number of different type of settlements (i.e. ciudades, villas, lugares, aldeas, grupos and caseríos). Data
Shapefile with administrative boundaries.
Beltrán Tapia, F. J. and Martínez-Galarraga, J. (2018), Inequality and education in pre-industrial economies: Evidence from Spain, Explorations in Economic History 69 (2018): 81–101.
Beltrán Tapia, F. J. and Gallego-Martínez, D. (2020), What explains the missing girls in 19th-century Spain?, Economic History Review 73, 1 (2020): 59–77.